
【2017ASCO GI】SBRT vs TACE:肝移植前,哪种局部肝癌治疗更好?




在1月20日的全体大会上,来自美国Lahey医院和医疗中心的Francis W. Nugent教授以“A randomized phase II study of individualized stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) versus transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with DEBDOX beads as a bridge to transplant in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)”为题,报道了肝癌患者在等待肝移植的过渡期中,立体定向体部放疗(SBRT)和肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)分别在控制疾病进展及安全性方面的优势。














 TACE组有1例患者出现门静脉血栓合并肝梗塞,但没有造成肝失代偿,仍有机会进行肝移植。此外,SBRT与TACE相比对患者的身体和精神QoL影响较小(SF-36量表 -0.7 vs -2.7)。





【原文】A randomized phase II study of individualized stereotactic body radiationtherapy (SBRT) versus transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) withDEBDOX beads as a bridge to transplant in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).

 First Author: Francis W. Nugent, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center,Burlington, MA

Background: ForHCCptsundergoingLT,localregionaltreatmentasa"bridge"isstandardto decrease tumor progression. The most common treatment is TACE, but the best bridgingmodality is unclear. Recently, SBRT has been shown to be both safe and effective when usedin pts with locally advanced HCC. We prospectively compare SBRT to TACE as a bridge forHCC pts undergoing LT. Methods: 60 pts planned for accrual. From 9/2014-9/2016, 29 ptswithin Milan Criteria with C-P Class A/B cirrhosis were randomized to TACE vs. SBRT. TACEpts received 2 treatments one month apart utilizing DEBDOX beads (n = 15). TACE pts werehospitalized after each TACE. Pts receiving SBRT (n = 12) received a median total dose of45Gy delivered over 5 fractions using fiducials. Mean liver dose, Veff, and NTCP wereutilized to determine the prescription dose. Pts were assessed by imaging using mRECISTcriteria at 2 months and every 3 months thereafter until LT or death. Toxicity and quality oflife were assessed before treatment, during treatment, two weeks post-treatment, and thenevery three months using the PIQ-6 Pain Impact Questionnaire and the SF-36v2 HealthSurvey. Primary endpoint was time to retreatment of treated lesion(s). Secondary end-points include toxicity, pathologic response, radiologic response, number of subsequenttreatments, cost, and QOL. Results: A. Demographics/Toxicity. Conclusions: For HCCpatients with C-P Class A/B liver cirrhosis, SBRT appears equally effective to TACE as abridge to liver transplantation, may engender less toxicity, and eliminates hospitalizations.Clinical trial information: NCT02182687. 


Francis W. Nugent.et al. J Clin Oncol 35, 2017 (suppl 4S; abstract 223)
