



《JAMA》Special Communication

Three Epochs of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

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3 Epochs of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care



Importance Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has reached an all-time high, and health care leaders across the ecosystem are faced with questions about where, when, and how to deploy AI and how to understand its risks, problems, and possibilities.


Observations While AI as a concept has existed since the 1950s, all AI is not the same. Capabilities and risks of various kinds of AI differ markedly, and on examination 3 epochs of AI emerge. AI 1.0 includes symbolic AI, which attempts to encode human knowledge into computational rules, as well as probabilistic models. The era of AI 2.0 began with deep learning, in which models learn from examples labeled with ground truth. This era brought about many advances both in people’s daily lives and in health care. Deep learning models are task-specific, meaning they do one thing at a time, and they primarily focus on classification and prediction. AI 3.0 is the era of foundation models and generative AI. Models in AI 3.0 have fundamentally new (and potentially transformative) capabilities, as well as new kinds of risks, such as hallucinations. These models can do many different kinds of tasks without being retrained on a new dataset. For example, a simple text instruction will change the model’s behavior. Prompts such as “Write this note for a specialist consultant” and “Write this note for the patient’s mother” will produce markedly different content.

虽然AI作为一个概念自20世纪50年代就存在了,但并非所有的AI都是一样的。各种人工智能的能力和风险存在明显差异,经过考察,人工智能出现了三个时代。AI 1.0包括符号AI,它试图将人类的知识编码到计算规则中,以及概率模型。人工智能2.0时代始于深度学习,在深度学习中,模型从标记有基础真相的例子中学习。这个时代为人们的日常生活和医疗保健带来了许多进步。深度学习模型是特定于任务的,这意味着它们一次只做一件事,它们主要专注于分类和预测。AI 3.0是基础模型和生成AI的时代。AI 3.0中的模型具有根本的新(潜在的变革)能力,以及新类型的风险,如幻觉。这些模型可以完成许多不同类型的任务,而无需对新数据集进行重新训练。例如,一个简单的文本指令将改变模型的行为。提示如“为专科医生写这张纸条”和“为病人的母亲写这张纸条”将产生明显不同的内容。

Conclusions and Relevance Foundation models and generative AI represent a major revolution in AI’s capabilities, ffering tremendous potential to improve care. Health care leaders are making decisions about AI today. While any heuristic omits details and loses nuance, the framework of AI 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 may be helpful to decision-makers because each epoch has fundamentally different capabilities and risks.

结论和相关性基金会模型和生成AI代表了AI能力的一场重大革命,为改善医疗提供了巨大的潜力。今天,医疗领导者正在就人工智能做出决策。尽管任何启发式都省略了细节并失去了细微差别,但AI 1.0、2.0和3.0的框架可能对决策者有帮助,因为每个时代都有根本上不同的能力和风险。


Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has reached an all-time high—whether the metric is scholarly publications, press coverage, or consumer interest. Health care leaders across the ecosystem are faced with questions about where, when, and how to deploy AI and how to understand its risks, problems, and possibilities.


All AI Is Not the Same

Capabilities and risks of various kinds of AI differ markedly. Just as grouping bacterial and viral infections together when making a treatment plan could lead to the wrong clinical response, grouping different kinds of AI together may lead health care decision-makers down the wrong path. A simple, pragmatic framework of 3 epochs of AI may assist decision-makers in understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of different kinds of AI in this moment of technological change (Figure).



AI 1.0: Symbolic AI and Probabilistic Models

Over its first 50-plus years, most AI focused on encoding human knowledge into rules in machines. One can think of this as many, many if-then rules, or decision trees. This symbolic AI had some remarkable achievements, such as IBM’s Deep Blue, which defeated the chess world champion in 1997. In health care, tools such as INTERNIST-I aimed to represent expert knowledge about diseases to help with challenging cases. Today, many electronically implemented clinical pathways encode expert knowledge in decision trees, a type of symbolic AI.

AI 1.0:符号AI和概率模型

在最初的50多年里,大多数人工智能都专注于将人类的知识编码成机器的规则。你可以把它想象成很多很多的“如果-那么”规则或决策树。这一具有象征意义的人工智能取得了一些显著的成就,例如IBM的深蓝在1997年击败了国际象棋世界冠军。在医疗保健中,内科医师- i等工具旨在代表有关疾病的专家知识,以帮助处理有挑战性的病例。今天,许多电子实现的临床路径在决策树中编码专家知识,这是一种符号AI。

Symbolic AI also had key limitations, notably a constant risk of human logic errors in its construction and bias encoded in its rules, because its knowledge base depended solely on those creating it. But perhaps the most important issue was that, empirically, symbolic AI had fundamental capability limitations and appeared brittle when confronted with real-world situations. In response, research began focusing more on probabilistic modeling, such as traditional regression and then bayesian networks, which allowed both expert knowledge and empirical data to contribute to reasoning systems. These models handled real-world situations more elegantly and found some use in health care, but in practice were difficult to scale and had limited ability to manage images, free text, and other complex clinical data.


AI 2.0: The Era of Deep Learning

Work on even more data-driven methods, broadly called machine learning, was rooted in the idea that key to intelligence was learning from errors. Discoveries such as backpropagation of errors in the 1980s and 1990s laid the groundwork, but in the early 2010s a true revolution happened. As datasets grew and computers sped up, deep learning with multilayered neural networks came into its own and the era of AI 2.0 began. First, the convolutional neural network architecture gave computers the ability to “see,” and they gained the ability to classify images in a photograph (such as “cat” vs “dog”). Second, a discovery known as word2vec created the ability to do math on words at scale.


研究更多由数据驱动的方法,也就是被广泛称为机器学习的方法,其根源在于,智能的关键在于从错误中学习。上世纪80年代和90年代的错误反向传播等发现奠定了基础,但在2010年代初,一场真正的革命发生了。随着数据集的增长和计算机的加速,具有多层神经网络的深度学习开始崭露头角,AI 2.0时代开始了。首先,卷积神经网络架构赋予计算机“看”的能力,它们获得了对照片中的图像进行分类的能力(比如“猫”vs“狗”)。其次,一项名为word2vec的发现创造了大规模使用文字进行数学运算的能力。

This revolution changed many things in our daily lives. Today, it’s trivial to search thousands of photographs on a phone without manually labeling each one with what was in them. An individual can even identify things in photographs that they know nothing about, like particular types of plants. Voice recognition is commonplace. One can translate among more than 100 languages, whether by typing or by pointing their camera at words written in a language they do not know.


Deep learning also made new things practical in health care. One of JAMA’s most influential articles of the decade showed ophthalmologist-equivalent identification of diabetic retinopathy in retinal photographs. Researchers also demonstrated breakthroughs in breast and lung cancer screening, pathology, identification of skin conditions, and predictions from electronic health record data, among many other areas.


Deep learning algorithms learn from examples labeled with ground truth (“This picture is a cat”). They then learn patterns, rather than being programmed with what the patterns are. In this era, it became easier to program computers to learn than it was to hard-code them with expert-provided rules, at least for many tasks. These models have remarkable capabilities, but also important risks. Models can fail when real-time data differ from the data they are trained on. For example, if a model is trained solely on “cat vs dog” but is given a picture of an airplane, it will not give a good result. More subtle versions of this out-of-distribution problem are a critical safety issue in health care. Complex biases can also arise, related to inclusivity of underlying data, to unequal and unfair diagnostic and therapeutic choices based on race, to algorithmic design choices, and to other issues. Regulators have developed frameworks to assess these types of task-specific AI; for example, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved or cleared hundreds of AI-enabled medical devices.


AI 3.0: Foundation Models and Generative AI

AI 2.0 had a key problem, related to the somewhat dramatically named catastrophic forgetting: when handling long sequences of text, it had trouble remembering things earlier in the sequence. The transformer architecture that arose in 2017 helped deal with this, letting the model pay attention across long passages. In the following years, transformers were combined with more compute and more data, creating foundation models and large language models. The rate of progress accelerated dramatically in 2022 and 2023, marking the third epoch.

AI 3.0:基础模型和生成AI

AI 2.0有一个关键问题,与灾难性遗忘有关:当处理长文本序列时,它很难记住序列中较早的内容。2017年出现的变压器架构帮助解决了这一问题,让模型能够将注意力放在长通道上。在接下来的几年里,变形器与更多的计算和数据结合在一起,创建了基础模型和大型语言模型。2022年和2023年的进展速度显著加快,标志着第三个时期。

Two key elements differentiate AI 2.0 from AI 3.0. First, AI 2.0 is task-specific. It does one thing at a time. If an individual wants it to do something else, they will need a new dataset and to train a new model. Second, AI 2.0 for the most part predicts things or classifies them. Its ability to generate new words, images, or other content is limited.

区分AI 2.0和AI 3.0的两个关键因素。首先,AI 2.0是针对特定任务的。它一次只做一件事。如果一个人想要它做其他的事情,他们将需要一个新的数据集和训练一个新的模型。其次,AI 2.0在很大程度上可以对事物进行预测或分类。它生成新词、图像或其他内容的能力是有限的。

AI 3.0 is fundamentally different. It can do many different tasks without being retrained. For example, a simple text instruction will change the model’s behavior. A prompt like “Write this note for a specialist consultant” and “Write this note for the patient’s mother” will produce markedly different content. The models also have dramatically improved capabilities: interpreting truly complex questions; accepting and producing text, images, and sound; creating responses that are near-indistinguishable from those written by people; and carrying on extended conversations. There are several types of these models, but for the rest of this section, we’ll focus on an important category—large language models.

AI 3.0有本质上的不同。它可以完成许多不同的任务,而不需要重新训练。例如,一个简单的文本指令将改变模型的行为。像“给专科医生写这张纸条”和“给病人的母亲写这张纸条”这样的提示会产生明显不同的内容。这些模型的能力也有了显著提高:解释真正复杂的问题;接受并产生文本、图像和声音;创造和别人写的几乎没有区别的回复;并进行长时间的交谈。这些模型有几种类型,但在本节的其余部分中,我们将重点关注一个重要的类别——大型语言模型。

They are already impacting our daily lives, in writing assistants, image generators, software-coding assistants, and chatbots. Health-specific large language models also now exist. For example, Med-PaLM and Med-PaLM 2 are medically tuned foundation models, developed at Google, that reached expert-level performance on medical licensing examination–style questions.They were also able to write long-form answers to people’s health questions. When physicians compared Med-PaLM 2’s answers vs those written by physicians without knowledge of the origin, they strongly preferred the model’s answers on 8 of 9 dimensions evaluated.

它们已经影响了我们的日常生活,包括写作助手、图像生成器、软件编码助手和聊天机器人。目前也存在与健康相关的大型语言模型。例如,Med-PaLM和Med-PaLM 2是在谷歌开发的医学调优基础模型,在医师资格考试类型的问题上达到了专家水平的表现。他们还能写出人们健康问题的长篇答案。当医师将Med-PaLM 2的答案与不知道起源的医师所写的答案进行比较时,他们强烈倾向于评估的9个维度中的8个方面的模型答案。

How are large language models trained? Imagine taking a huge stack of documents. A person shows the model each word, in sequence, but does not let it see the next word. Instead, the model is asked to predict the word, again and again. Every time the model gets it wrong, it changes its internal representation of how words fit together. Eventually, it builds a representation of how these words (and thus concepts) fit together. When the model is asked a question later, it responds by predicting likely next words in an answer.


Think of the basic versions of these models as next-word prediction engines. This helps make sense of some of their surprising behaviors. For example, these models can be good at writing computer programs, but bad at arithmetic. Why? It is because they are not doing math, they are predicting the next word in a sequence. Similarly, they may return plausible-sounding but incorrect journal citations. Why? For the same reason: they are not looking things up in PubMed, they are predicting plausible next words. These “hallucinations” represent a new category of risk in AI 3.0. This is an area where technical progress in areas such as grounding and in retrieval-augmented generation are actively improving performance, and the ability for these models to use tools like calculators, or have real-time access to the web, also improves results. The bias and equity risks that were present in AI 2.0 remain issues with AI 3.0. In addition, language models may create new kinds of risks because of bias encoded in the semantics of language, among other reasons.

把这些模型的基本版本看作下一个单词的预测引擎。这有助于理解它们一些令人惊讶的行为。例如,这些模型可能擅长编写计算机程序,但不擅长算术。为什么?这是因为他们不是在做数学,而是在按顺序预测下一个单词。同样地,他们可能会返回听起来似是而非的期刊引用。为什么?出于同样的原因:他们不是在PubMed上查找东西,而是预测下一个可信的单词。这些“幻觉”代表了AI 3.0的新风险类别。在这一领域,地面和检索增强生成等领域的技术进步正在积极改善性能,而且这些模型使用计算器等工具或实时访问网络的能力也改善了结果。AI 2.0中存在的偏差和股权风险仍然是AI 3.0的问题。此外,由于在语言语义中编码的偏见,语言模型可能会产生新的风险。

We anticipate that AI 3.0 will come into practice as augmentation tools, initially helping with aspects of health care such as documentation burden. As these tools subsequently begin to support clinical practice, with clinicians in the loop, a thoughtful regulatory framework will be needed to help ensure that patients receive the benefits of this technology safely.

我们预计AI 3.0将作为增强工具投入实践,最初帮助解决医疗保健方面的问题,如文档负担。随着这些工具随后开始支持临床实践,并且临床医师参与其中,我们需要一个经过深思熟虑的监管框架,以帮助确保患者安全地获益于这一技术。


Foundation models and generative AI represent a major revolution in AI’s capabilities, offering tremendous potential to improve care. Health care leaders are making decisions about AI today. While any heuristic omits details and loses nuance, the framework of AI 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 may be helpful to decision-makers, because each epoch has fundamentally different capabilities and risks.

基础模型和生成AI代表了AI能力的一场重大革命,为改善医疗提供了巨大潜力。今天,医疗领导者正在就人工智能做出决策。尽管任何启发式都省略了细节并失去了细微差别,但AI 1.0、2.0和3.0的框架可能对决策者有帮助,因为每个时代都有根本上不同的能力和风险。

