


十月桂花香,来自意大利、墨西哥的三位医生Dr.  Michele Cricrì,Dr.  Federico Maria Mongardini,Dr.  Mitre Reyes第一次踏上杭州的土地。2023年10月18日,中国结直肠外科国际培训学院(ICSTAC)在浙大二院城东院区举行了隆重的开班仪式。


在大肠外科路灿博士的带领下,Dr.  Michele Cricrì,Dr.  Federico Maria Mongardini,Dr.  Mitre Reyes初步了解了城东院区。


Since October 18th, 2023, Dr. Michele Cricrì, Dr. Federico Maria Mongardini from Italy and Dr. Mitre Reyes from Mexico started their 3-month training of ICSTAC at the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

The Department of Colorectal Surgery attached great importance to their professional development during their stay at SAHZU.

Together with other tutors in the department, Prof. Ding Kefeng, Vice president of SAHZU, designed a tailor-made training curriculum for them. Apart from participating in surgeries and ward rounds, the three international trainees were involved in a series of meaningful exchange activities.


Weekend walks by the West Lake are now part of my routine


many things have changed since our arrival, from temperature to meal times, from spaghetti to noodles and rice, from Italian Coffee to Hot Milk, from Fork and knife to Chopsticks……


The city is huge and very dispersed.

The inhabitants of this city are very welcoming and, even if they don't understand the language, they try in every way to satisfy our needs.

浙大二院大肠外科团队带领Dr.  Michele Cricrì, Dr.  Federico Maria Mongardini, Dr.  Mitre Reyes前往北京,本次北京之旅旨在推动“腹腔镜保留回盲部的右半结肠癌根治术(Laparoscopic Ileocecal-Sparing Right Hemicolectomy, LISH)”研究在北京地区的进度。

Together with colorectal surgeons at SAHZU, Dr. Michele Cricrì, Dr. Federico Maria Mongardini and Dr. Mitre Reyes travelled to Beijing for the Symposium of Laparoscopic Ileocecal-Sparing Right Hemicolectomy (Beijing Area). The purpose of this trip was to promote the LISH studies in the capital of China.



They also participated in the annual " Live Surgery Week" of SAHZU, working together with high-level surgeons to demonstrate their surgical techniques.

The surgeries they performed were broadcasted to colleagues from home and abroad, attracting more than 10,000 viewers to follow. The three trainees really enjoyed this unique experience. “It is indeed a precious learning opportunity, also a broad platform to show where we are in terms of the ability to perform colorectal surgeries”, said Dr. Mitre Reyes.


Dr.  Michele Cricrì为大家带来《IBDs in Federico II University of Naples:everyday practice,past discoveries and future challenges》。他简要介绍Naples FedericoII大学附属医学的概况,其为意大利三大IBD治疗中心,也是中南部最大的IBD治疗中心,自1993年开始每年开展约200台IBD相关的手术。该中心开展并参与多项国际临床实验,包括利用腹部脂肪组织间充质干细胞治疗克罗恩病相关的肛瘘(A clinical trial for treatment of Crohn's disease-related anal fistula with mesenchymal stem cells from abdominal adipose tissue)、KONO-s小肠吻合降低小肠克罗恩术后复发的研究(A clinical trial for surgical resection of small intestinal Crohn's disease comparing KONO-s anastomosis with traditional anastomosis)。

On December 8, 2023, Establishing an excellent team for Laparoscopy in Colorectal Surgery at SAHZU - Session III kicked off at Chengdong Campus.

Dr. Michele Cricrì gave a presentation with the topic of "IBDs in Federico II University of Naples: everyday practice, past discoveries and future challenges". He briefly introduced the overview of Naples Federico II University of Naples Medical Center, which is one of the three largest IBD treatment centers in Italy and the largest one in the south-central part of the country, with about 200 IBD-related surgeries being performed every year since 1993. The center where Dr. Cricrì comes from carried out and participated in several international clinical trials, including a clinical trial for treatment of Crohn's disease-related anal fistula with mesenchymal stem cells from abdominal adipose tissue and a clinical trial for surgical resection of small intestinal Crohn's disease comparing KONO-s anastomosis with traditional anastomosis.


Their daily in Hangzhou is as rich as their professional one. Late December, the three trainees were invited to celebrate Winter Solstice with other SAZHU colleagues from administrative and clinical departments. They learned how to make dumplings, the traditional food for Chinese festivals. During their spare time, they visited the Westlake, the Deshou palace as well as many other historical monuments in Hangzhou.



Three months passed by in a flash. When their journey at SAHZU was about to finish, Dr. Mongardini posted on his Wechat: “I have tears in my eyes when I think about that Monday Jan. 15 will be my last day in the OR at SAHZU”.


On the certificate ceremony, Prof. Ding Kefeng congratulated them on the completion of this training, and the three trainees expressed their sincere gratitude to Prof. Ding, who provided them this valuable exchange experience, and to everyone involved in ICSTAC.




Although the work load was high and pressure was there, the three trainees found this experience at SAHZU extremely productive and meaningful. When returning to their home hospital which is located far away in Italy and Mexico, they will pass on the colorectal surgery techniques their learned from SAHZU to help more patients.


中国结直肠外科国际培训学院(International Colorectal Surgery Training Academy of China,ICSTAC)由浙江大学医学院附属第二医院与中国抗癌协会结直肠癌委员会成员联合发起。浙大二院成立于1869年,被认为是当时远东最好的医院。作为中国现代医学的摇篮,浙大二院培养了大量医疗精英人才,也是国内几家知名医疗机构的前身。




编辑|潘婷婷 陈璐
