2023年,第59届美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会将于美国芝加哥当地时间6月2日至6日举行。4月26日,ASCO官网已公布了本次会议的日程和摘要题目。【肿瘤资讯】整理了口头报告(Oral Abstract Session)、临床科学研讨会(Clinical Science Symposium)、摘要速递(Rapid Abstract Session)、全体会议系列:摘要更新速递(Plenary Series: Rapid Abstract Updates)及壁报讨论(Poster Discussion Session)专场的乳腺肿瘤研究,与读者分享。
专场时间:2023年6月3日03:45 - 06:45(以下均为北京时间)
专场主席:Katia Khoury,Kevin Kalinsky
Ⅲ期NATALEE试验:瑞波西利+内分泌治疗辅助治疗HR+/HER2- 早期乳腺癌
Phase III NATALEE trial of ribociclib + endocrine therapy as adjuvant treatment in patients with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer
讲者: Dennis J. Slamon, MD, PhD | David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles
阿贝西利联合内分泌治疗辅助治疗HR+/HER2- 淋巴结阳性高危早期乳腺癌: monarchE研究按年龄分层的疗效和安全性结局
Efficacy and safety results by age in monarchE: Adjuvant abemaciclib combined with endocrine therapy (ET) in patients with HR+, HER2-, node-positive,high-risk early breast cancer (EBC)
讲者: Erika P. Hamilton, MD | Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Tennessee Oncology
Detection of circulating tumor DNA following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery to anticipate early relapse in ER positive and HER2 negative breast cancer: Analysis from the PENELOPE-B trial
讲者:Nicholas C. Turner, MD, PhD | The Institue of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital
Effects of ovarian ablation or suppression on breast cancer recurrence and survival: Patient-level meta-analysis of 14,993 pre-menopausal women in 25 randomized trials.
讲者:Richard G. Gray | University of Oxford
绝经前早期HR+ 乳腺癌女性患者PAM50 固有亚型和复发风险 (ROR) 评分的评估:SOFT试验的二次分析
Evaluation of PAM50 intrinsic subtypes and risk of recurrence (ROR) scores in premenopausal women with early-stage HR+ breast cancer: A secondary analysis of the SOFT trial
讲者:Lauren Claire Brown, MBChB | Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Association of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) with clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis in young women with HR+/HER2- breast cancer (BC)
讲者:Megan E Tesch, MD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
在HER2+ 早期乳腺癌患者中评价化疗降阶梯治疗的随机Ⅱ期 PHERGain 试验的3年无浸润性疾病生存期结局
3-year invasive disease-free survival (iDFS) of the strategy-based, randomized phase II PHERGain trial evaluating chemotherapy (CT) de-escalation in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2[+]) early breast cancer (EBC)
讲者:Javier Cortes, MD, PhD | International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC), Pangaea Oncology, Quiron Group, Barcelona, Spain, Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MEDSIR), Barcelona, Spain, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Department of Medicine
Differential impact of proliferation signature on efficacy of neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy in sTIL-high and sTIL-low triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC): Biomarker analysis of the NeoPACT trial
讲者:Shane R Stecklein, MD|University of Kansas Medical Center
是否可通过肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞预测曲妥珠单抗治疗HER2+ 乳腺癌的获益?——5项试验中4097例女性患者数据的荟萃分析
Do tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) predict benefits from trastuzumab therapy for HER2 positive breast cancer? Meta-analysis of individual patient data from 4097 women in 5 trials
讲者:Robert Kerrin Hills, MA MSc DPhil | University of Oxford
专场时间:2023年6月4日 01:30 - 02:45
专场主席:Mohamed Salem,Toni Choueiri
哌柏西利辅助治疗ER+ 乳腺癌:PALLAS试验(ABCSG-42/AFT-05/PrE0109/BIG-14-13)ⅡA期队列的预设分析结局
Adjuvant Palbociclib for ER+ Breast Cancer (PALLAS Trial (ABCSG-42/AFT-05/PrE0109/BIG-14-13): A Preplanned Analysis of the Stage IIA Cohort
讲者:Angela DeMichele, MD, MSCE University of Pennsylvania
Mepitel Film for the prevention of acute radiation dermatitis in breast cancer: A randomized multi-centre open-label phase 3 trial
讲者:Edward Chow, MBBS Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
专场时间:6月4日 02:15 - 03:45
专场主席:Jeremy Force,Ana Garrido-Castro
AURORA 研究:BIG 14-01中匹配分析原发性和转移性乳腺癌病灶中的免疫微环境特征
Characterization of the immune microenvironment in matched primary and metastatic breast cancer lesions from the AURORA study: BIG 14-01
讲者:Florentine Hilbers, PhD | Department of Molecular Pathology, Netherlands Cancer Institute
接受微管靶向药物的转移性乳腺患者中肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞数量与生存期的相关性: CALGB 40502(联盟)的事后分析
Association of tumor infiltrating lymphocyte quantity with survival in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) receiving microtubule-targeting agents: Post hoc analysis CALGB 40502 (Alliance)
讲者:Daniel G. Stover, MD | Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
RNA expression levels from peripheral immune cells, a minimally invasive liquid biopsy source to predict response to therapy, survival and immune-related adverse events in patients with triple negative breast cancer enrolled in the GeparNuevo trial
讲者:Hanna Hübner, PhD | Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Erlangen,Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN (CCC ER-EMN)
BRACELET-1(PrE0113):用溶瘤呼肠孤病毒产品Pelareorep联合紫杉醇和阿维鲁单抗诱导转移性HR+/HER2- 乳腺癌的炎性表型
BRACELET-1 (PrE0113): Inducing an inflammatory phenotype in metastatic HR+/HER2- breast cancer with the oncolytic reovirus pelareorep in combination with paclitaxel and avelumab
讲者:Amy Sanders Clark, MD, MSCE | University of Pennsylvania
专场时间:2023年6月4日 05:30 - 06:30
专场主席:Marie Wood,Rachel Freedman
在TEAM试验中,根据乳腺癌指数评估绝经后HR+ 早期乳腺癌患者的总体和晚期远处复发风险
Assessment of risk of overall and late distant recurrence by Breast Cancer Index in postmenopausal women with early-stage, HR+ breast cancer in the TEAM trial
讲者:John MS Bartlett, PhD | Cancer Research UK Scotland Centre, University of Edinburgh
Prognosis and trends in chemotherapy use for patients with stage IA triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC): A population-based study
讲者:Paolo Tarantino, MD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
ER+ 乳腺癌患者21基因复发评分和生存率的人种/种族差异
Racial/ethnic differences in 21-gene recurrence score and survival among estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer patients
讲者:Jasmin Gill | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
A randomized controlled trial of a mobile app and tailored messages to improve outcomes among women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy
讲者:Ilana Graetz, PhD | Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
TORCHLIGHT: a randomized, double-blind, phase III trial of toripalimab versus placebo, in combination with nab-paclitaxel(nab-P) for patients with metastatic or recurrent triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).
9周 vs 1年曲妥珠单抗治疗HER2+ 早期乳腺癌:Ⅲ期随机Short-HER研究的10年更新结局
Nine-weeks versus one-year trastuzumab for early-stage HER2+ breast cancer: 10-year update of the Short-HER phase III randomized trial
讲者:Pier Franco Conte, MD | Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, University of Padua, and Veneto Institute of Oncology IOV-IRCCS
专场时间:2023年6月5日 00:30 - 02:00
专场主席:Gaorav Gupta,Margaret Gatti-Mays
摘要号:1014| Poster Bd #: 235
HER2+ 转移性乳腺癌患者德曲妥珠单抗(T-DXd) 治疗后给予妥卡替尼+曲妥珠单抗+卡培他滨 (TTC) 的疗效:一项法国多中心回顾性研究
Efficacy of tucatinib + trastuzumab + capecitabine (TTC) after trastuzumab-deruxtecan (T-DXd) exposure in Her2-positive metastatic breast cancer: A French multicentre retrospective study
讲者:Jean-Sebastien Frenel, MD, PhD | Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest
摘要号:1015| Poster Bd #: 236
帕妥珠单抗再治疗 HER2+ 局晚期/转移性乳腺癌患者:Ⅲ期随机试验 (JBCRG-M05:PRECIOUS) 的总生存期结果
Pertuzumab retreatment in patients with HER2-positive locally advanced/metastatic breast cancer: Overall survival results of a phase III randomized trial (JBCRG-M05: PRECIOUS)
讲者:Yutaka Yamamoto, MD, PhD | Kumamoto University Hospital
摘要号:1016| Poster Bd #: 237
HER2+ 转移性乳腺癌中着丝粒扩增与曲妥珠单抗反应的相关性
The association of centromere amplification and response to trastuzumab in HER2+ metastatic breast cancer
讲者:Charlotte Andrieu | National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University
摘要号:1017| Poster Bd #: 238
随机Ⅲ期LEONARDA-1研究:lerociclib+氟维司群治疗既往内分泌治疗后进展的HR+/HER2- 局晚期或转移性乳腺癌
LEONARDA-1: Phase III randomized study of lerociclib plus fulvestrant in patients with HR+, HER2- locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer that has progressed on prior endocrine therapy
摘要号:1018| Poster Bd #: 239
哌柏西利一线全身治疗年龄≥70岁的HR+ 晚期乳腺癌女性患者:PALOMAGE项目的结果
First-line systemic treatment with palbociclib in women aged ≥70 years presenting with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer: Results from the PALOMAGE program
讲者:Etienne Brain, MD, PhD | Curie Institute
摘要号:1019| Poster Bd #: 240
与CDK4/6 抑制剂治疗乳腺癌患者结局相关的临床分子特征:AURORA分子筛查项目的结果
Clinico-molecular characteristics associated with outcomes in breast cancer patients treated with CDK4/6 inhibitors: Results from the AURORA Molecular Screening Initiative
讲者:Elisa Agostinetto, MD | Institut Jules Bordet and Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B)
摘要号:1020| Poster Bd #: 241
德曲妥珠单抗(T-DXd)vs 医生选择方案(TPC)治疗HER2低表达、HR+ 不可切除和/或转移性乳腺癌:DESTINY-Breast 04的探索性生物标志物分析
Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) vs treatment of physician’s choice (TPC) in patients (pts) with HER2-low, hormone receptor-positive (HR+) unresectable and/or metastatic breast cancer (mBC): Exploratory biomarker analysis of DESTINY-Breast04
讲者:Shanu Modi, MD | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
摘要号:1021| Poster Bd #: 242
HER2-low status discordance between primary and recurrent/metastatic breast cancer in a large-scale cohort
摘要号:1022| Poster Bd #: 243
转移性乳腺癌患者ADC治疗后序贯ADC药物:ADC序贯ADC(A3) 治疗的研究
Sequential use of antibody-drug conjugate after antibody-drug conjugate for patients with metastatic breast cancer: ADC after ADC (A3) study
讲者: Rachel Occhiogrosso Abelman, MD | Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School
摘要号:1023| Poster Bd #: 244
GEICAM/2013-02 PEARL研究:细胞周期蛋白E细胞质亚型预测卡培他滨治疗HR+/HER2- 转移性乳腺癌的结局和获益
Cyclin E cytoplasmatic isoform to predict outcome and benefit to capecitabine treatment in patients with HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer from the GEICAM/2013-02 PEARL study
讲者: Angel Guerrero, MD | Instituto Valenciano de Oncología. GEICAM Spanish Breast Cancer Group
摘要号:1024| Poster Bd #: 245
ER+/HER2- 转移性乳腺癌内分泌治疗反应的早期预测:18F-FES PET/CT显像的初步研究
Early prediction of endocrine responsiveness in ER+/HER2 negative MBC: Pilot study with 18F-fluoroestradiol (18F-FES) CT/PET
讲者: Alessandra Gennari, MD, PhD | Università del Piemonte Orientale - Dipartimento di Medicina Traslazionale - DIMET
摘要号:1025| Poster Bd #: 246
转移性TNBC患者的前列腺特异性膜抗原 (PSMA) 表达:PRISMA研究的初步结果
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer: Initial results of the PRISMA study
讲者:Guilherme Nader Marta, MD | Academic Trials Promoting Team, Institut Jules Bordet and l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B)
专场时间:2023年6月5日 05:30 - 07:00
专场主席:Alastair Thompson,Rachel Yung
摘要号:514| Poster Bd #: 344
Correlation of HER2 low status in I-SPY2 with molecular subtype, response, and survival
讲者:Hope S. Rugo, FASCO | University of California Comprehensive Cancer Center
摘要号:515| Poster Bd #: 345
ECOG-ACRIN E2197:通过 RT-PCR 比较所有 HER2 免疫组织化学组的 HER2 基因表达与复发分析
ECOG-ACRIN E2197: Comparison of HER2 gene expression by RT-PCR across all HER2 immunohistochemistry groups with recurrence analysis
讲者:Sunil S. Badve, MD | Emory University School of Medicine
摘要号:516| Poster Bd #: 346
AI-based HER2-low IHC scoring in breast cancer across multiple sites, clones, and scanners
讲者:Patrick Frey, PhD | Mindpeak GmbH
摘要号:517| Poster Bd #: 347
SEER数据库中按照小淋巴结阴性HER2+ 乳腺肿瘤接受治疗的患者结局
Outcomes according to treatment received for small node-negative HER2+ breast tumors in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database, 2010-2019
讲者:Adrienne Gropper Waks, MD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
摘要号:519| Poster Bd #: 349
WSG-TP-II试验:12周减量新辅助内分泌治疗 vs 紫杉醇+双重HER2阻断治疗后,预测病理学完全缓解的基因表达特征、间质肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞和肿瘤细胞结构的变化
Gene expression signatures, stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs), and change in tumor cellularity to predict pathological complete response (pCR) after 12 week de-escalated neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (ET) vs paclitaxel + dual HER2 blockade in the WSG-TP-II trial
讲者:Monika Karla Graeser, MD | West German Study Group
摘要号:LBA520| Poster Bd #: 350
口服紫杉醇+卡铂+多塔利单抗(OPE/Cb/D)±曲妥珠单抗治疗早期高危乳腺癌:新辅助I-SPY 2试验的结果
Oral paclitaxel, Carboplatin, and Dostarlimab (OPE/Cb/D) without and with Trastuzumab in early-stage, high-risk breast cancer: Results from the neoadjuvant I-SPY 2 TRIAL
讲者:Kay T Yeung, MD, PhD | University of California, San Diego
摘要号:521| Poster Bd #: 351
NBRST :MammaPrint 指数作为HR+/HER2- 乳腺癌患者新辅助化疗反应和结局的预测生物标志物
MammaPrint Index as a predictive biomarker for neoadjuvant chemotherapy response and outcome in patients with HR+HER2- breast cancer in NBRST
讲者:Peter D. Beitsch, MD | Dallas Surgical Group
摘要号: 522| Poster Bd #: 352
NeoRHEA的主要疗效分析:哌柏西利联合内分泌治疗新辅助治疗ER+/HER2- 乳腺癌的生物标志物研究
Primary efficacy analyses of NeoRHEA, neoadjuvant biomarker research study of palbociclib combined with endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor positive/HER2 negative breast cancer
讲者:Elisa Agostinetto, MD | Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (HUB), Institut Jules Bordet, Academic Trials Promoting Team (ATPT)
摘要号:523| Poster Bd #: 353
原发性肿瘤切除联合全身治疗 vs 单纯全身治疗转移性乳腺癌的随机对照试验(PRIM-BC):日本临床肿瘤协会JCOG 1017研究
A randomized controlled trial comparing primary tumor resection plus systemic therapy with systemic therapy alone in metastatic breast cancer (PRIM-BC): Japan Clinical Oncology Group study JCOG1017
讲者:Tadahiko Shien, MD, PhD | Okayama university hospital
摘要号:524| Poster Bd #: 354
NSABP B40 和 B41研究中乳腺癌新辅助化疗腋窝手术疗效分析
Axillary surgery efficacy for patients with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy on NSABP B40 and B41
讲者:Raymond Mailhot Vega, MD, MPH | Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Florida College of Medicine
摘要号:525| Poster Bd #: 355
Long-term oncologic outcomes after omitting axillary surgery in older women with early stage, node-negative breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
讲者:Mariam Rana, BSc, MBBS | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
专场时间:2023年6月6日 00:30 - 03:30
专场主席:Michael Danso,Ayca Gucalp
摘要号: LBA1000
HR+/HER2- 晚期乳腺癌患者选择CDK4/6抑制剂最佳治疗时机的3期 SONIA 试验 (BOOG 2017-03) 的主要结局分析
Primary outcome analysis of the phase 3 SONIA trial (BOOG 2017-03) on selecting the optimal position of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibitors for patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC)
讲者:Gabe S. Sonke, MD, PhD | The Netherlands Cancer Institute
二线内分泌治疗联合或不联合哌柏西利维持治疗HR+/HER2- 晚期乳腺癌:PALMIRA试验
Second-line endocrine therapy (ET) with or without palbociclib (P) maintenance in patients (pts) with hormone receptor-positive (HR[+])/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2[-]) advanced breast cancer (ABC): PALMIRA trial
讲者:Antonio Llombart-Cussac, MD | Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Universidad Católica de Valencia, Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MEDSIR), Barcelona
Dynamics and type of ESR1 mutations under aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant combined with palbociclib after randomization in the PADA-1 trial
讲者:Francois Clement Bidard, MD, PhD | Institut Curie
戈沙妥珠单抗(SG)治疗HR+/HER2- 转移性乳腺癌的Ⅲ期 TROPiCS-02研究的最终总生存期分析
Final overall survival (OS) analysis from the phase 3 TROPiCS-02 study of sacituzumab govitecan (SG) in patients (pts) with hormone receptor–positive/HER2-negative (HR+/HER2–) metastatic breast cancer (mBC)
讲者:Sara M. Tolaney, MD, MPH | Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
在转移性乳腺癌患者中进行的 HER3-DXd Ⅱ 期研究
A phase 2 study of HER3-DXd in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)
讲者:Erika P. Hamilton, MD | Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Tennessee Oncology, PLLC
Dynamic HER2-low status among patients with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC): The impact of repeat biopsies
讲者:Yael Bar, MD, PhD | Massachusetts General Hospital
DESTINY-Breast01、-02和-03研究中T-DXd治疗HER2+ 转移性乳腺癌患者的年龄特异性汇总分析
An age-specific pooled analysis of trastuzumab deruxtecan (T‑DXd) in patients (pts) with HER2-positive (HER2+) metastatic breast cancer (mBC) from DESTINY-Breast01, -02, and -03
讲者:Ian E. Krop, MD, PhD | Yale Cancer Center
Randomized trial of fixed dose capecitabine compared to standard dose capecitabine in metastatic breast cancer: The X-7/7 trial
讲者:Qamar J. Khan, MD | University of Kansas Cancer Center
eHealth(CANKADO PRO-React版本)对接受哌柏西利和内分泌治疗的HR+/HER2- 转移性乳腺癌患者至生活质量恶化时间的影响:多中心随机 PreCycle 试验的主要结局分析
CANKADO PRO-React eHealth support in patients with HR+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer receiving palbociclib and endocrine therapy and the affect on time to deterioration of quality of life: Primary outcome analysis of the multicenter randomized PreCycle trial
讲者:Nadia Harbeck, MD, PhD | Breast Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and CCC Munich, LMU University Hospital
