
新加坡国立癌症中心(NCCS)放疗科 临床科学家、高级顾问医师
Target Delineation in Head and Neck Radiotherapy: A time-honoured tradition in the era of Big Data and Big Machine
Professor Melvin demonstrated how to achieve precision target contouring in the era of big data and big machine in combination with the time-honoured tradition, so as to ensure patient survival. He pointed out that robust quality assurance is crucial in head and neck radiotherapy planning processes, and accurate target contouring is one of the key steps. Using NPC as a case example, conventional concepts on delineation of primary gross tumor volume (GTV), as well as clinical target volume show several limitations.
As recognition of anatomy and “abnormal” vs “normal” signals can be subjective, NPC primary GTV contouring is highly heterogeneous even between experienced radiation oncologists; and it is extremely labor intensive and highly depends on oncologists’ experience. So, is it possible to automate the process using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN)? A study from Sun Yan-sen University Cancer centre demonstrated that applying three-dimensional CNN (3D CNN) to automate GTV contouring on multi-parametric MR images could performed comparably to experienced radiation oncologists, outperforming 5 of the 8 radiation oncologitst. Additionally, AI-assistance helped to reduce inter-observer variation (by 2-fold) and time-taken (by 40%) substantially.
For neck CTV, current researches are focused on omitting the lower neck or treating neck to lower dose. Harnessing the power of big data, Lin et, al. marked 10651 nodes from 959 patients on a template CT scan to establish a neck nodes distribution probability map for NPC. Based on the distribution of LNs and international guidelines, they suggested 7 moderate modifications of the guidelines defined neck node levels boundaries to make it more specific to NPC.
Although a newly published international guideline on CTV delineation for NPC offers a guide to reduce ambiguity of contours between physicians, Professor Melvin pointed out that are we able to refine the CTV coverage by frequency mapping and computing tumor invasion probability of uninvaded voxels leveraging on big Data? Hence, generate probabilistic CTV by exploring machine learning methods, using large sample of GTV data, and computing tumor invasion probability of uninvaded voxels will help to further reduce uncertainties in CTV contouring
In conclusion, aggregation of large datasets will provide a data-based approach to target contouring and new age of innovation that will improve accuracy and importantly patient outcomes.