
创纪录之年!—【AACR 2024年会】前沿科学等内容汇总


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本年度实验领域的亮点之一是几种处于I期临床试验阶段的癌症疫苗的最新情况,相关信息已发表于 Cancer Research Catalyst 专栏并作为年会新闻发布。而谈到新闻,4月5日至10日举行的本届年会吸引了200余名记者,迄今已报道了近6000条新闻,其中引起最大反响的是关于加速衰老对早发性癌症影响的一项研究,包括美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)在内的多家知名媒体都对其进行了报道。



但如果您错过了年会的任何内容,或者只想重温今年最吸引眼球的一些癌症研究话题,那本篇文章会是您最好的选择。从台前到幕后, Cancer Research Catalyst 专栏聚焦年会的方方面面,确保您能及时了解所有激动人心的癌症研究进展。以下是到目前为止的会议各专题回顾,未来几周我们也将刊登更多内容来介绍年会上的真知灼见。


Record Year for AACR Annual Meeting 2024: Summary of Cutting-Edge Science and More!

It was a record year for the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2024. Not only were there more registrants than ever—over 23,200 with more than 22,000 in person in San Diego from 78 countries and territories—but the 115th edition of this meeting received its most ever abstracts (over 7,250) and featured its largest ever clinical program with over 240 trials, including 24 in phase III.

Focusing on the theme of “Inspiring Science, Fueling Progress, Revolutionizing Care,” the meeting featured the latest from across the cancer research continuum, including plenary sessions on early cancer biology, tumor microenvironments, metastasis, and artificial intelligence (AI), with so much more covered throughout the program.

Among the highlights from this year’s trials were updates about a couple of cancer vaccines in phase I that we wrote about here on Cancer Research Catalyst and were featured in the press program. Speaking of press, more than 200 reporters covered the meeting, which was held from April 5-10, generating nearly 6,000 media clips to date. One of the stories that generated the most buzz was a study on the impact of accelerated aging on early-onset cancer, which several high-profile outlets were drawn to, including CNN.

The buzz about this year’s presentations, which included nearly 730 invited speakers from 20 countries, was also palpable on social media. More than 6,750 people took to Twitter/X to share over 28,000 tweets using #AACR24—generating another record for the meeting with 571 million impressions.

Nearly 275 scientific sessions were live streamed and can still be viewed on the virtual platform until September 3.

But if you missed anything from the meeting, or just want a refresher of some of the most fascinating topics to emerge this year, then you have come to the right place. Cancer Research Catalyst has been on top of everything from before the meeting to well after to make sure you can catch up on all the exciting cancer research advances presented. Here is a recap of the topics covered so far but expect more content featuring insights from the meeting in the weeks ahead.

  • AACR Annual Meeting 2024: What to Know Before You Go

  • Cancer Discovery Commentaries Discuss Emerging Topics, Challenge Existing Paradigms, Reflect Annual Meeting Theme

  • AACR Annual Meeting 2024: Opening Ceremony Highlights a Banner Year

  • The Power of Journalism: The 2024 AACR June L. Biedler Prize Winners

  • AACR 2024 Plenary Program Kicks Off With New Insights Into Early Cancer Biology

  • Dispelling Myths About Prostate Cancer in Black Communities

  • Personalized Neoantigen Vaccines Boost Progress Against Aggressive Cancers

  • Opening Plenary Showcases Molecular Advances Leading to Big Revolutions in Cancer Research

  • How to Effectively Reach People with Your Science?

  • Cutting-edge Approaches to Understand Tumor Ecosystems

  • From Metastatic Seeds to Lineage Trees: How Tumor Evolution Shapes Metastasis

  • NCI Director Introduces New Era of Cancer Research

  • Taking Answers Home: Patient Advocates at the AACR Annual Meeting 2024

  • AACR Annual Meeting 2024: A Global View on Cancer

  • Supporting Undergraduate Investigators at the AACR Annual Meeting 2024

  • From the Bench, AACR Annual Meeting 2024: CAR Tregs, Bacteria-virus Duos, and More

  • Interfacing with the Future: Artificial Intelligence in Oncology

  • Solving the Brain Riddle: New Treatments for Brain Tumors

  • AACR Annual Meeting 2024 Highlights: 6 Days of Groundbreaking Science

  • The Long, Winding Road of Immunotherapy Research

  • AACR Annual Meeting 2024: Expanding Access to Cancer Care, Here and Abroad

  • How AACR Project GENIE Is Helping Unravel the Mysteries of Cancer






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