
AACR期刊《Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention》审稿人培训计划已开通申请


同行评审的重要性已有公认,但对于参与和实践的途径可能并不那么明确。为了增加早期职业研究人员获得同行评审知识和经验的机会,AACR期刊《Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention》(简称CEBP),正启动CEBP审稿人培训计划。该计划将:

  1. 为早期职业研究人员提供由经验丰富的CEBP编辑开展的live manuscript 同行评审培训和反馈。

  2. 为参与者与基于人群的癌症研究连续谱中的杰出研究人员建立联系。

  3. 将参与者纳入AACR的审稿人库,提供培训之外的审稿机会



  • Learn about scientific publishing and peer review.

  • Receive peer review training and feedback from experienced editors.

  • Connect with a dynamic, population-focused research community.

The importance of peer review is well recognized, but the paths to participation and practice may not be as clear. To increase the opportunities for early career researchers to gain knowledge and experience in peer review, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention , is launching the CEBP Reviewer Training Program. The Program will:

  • Provide early career researchers with live manuscript peer review training and feedback from experienced CEBP editors.
  • Connect participants with leading researchers across the population-based cancer research continuum.
  • Enter participants into the AACR peer reviewer pool with opportunities to review beyond the Program.

Program Description

  • Qualifying participants will be invited to take part in the peer review process at Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention , reviewing live manuscripts. Editors will utilize participant reviews in the editorial process and provide feedback to participants, who will also see the peer review comments of the other reviewers and the editor’s decision.
  • Participants will receive guidance from journal editors and staff via a virtual orientation and training session.
  • A peer review handbook containing a program overview, theory and best practices of peer review, and instructions regarding the online reviewer interface will be provided to participants.
  • An in-person meeting will be organized for those participants attending the AACR Annual Meeting. Attendees will have a chance to discuss their experiences with editors and other participants.


  • Senior graduate students, postdocs, or early career scientists within 7-years of having earned their PhD or other appropriate professional degree.
  • Published at least two, original research, peer-reviewed manuscripts, preferably with at least one manuscript as the first author.
  • Some peer review experience is preferred, though this may be under the supervision of a mentor who formally submitted the review comments under their name.

Application Process

Applicants will be asked to create a myAACR account to access the Program application (if they do not already have one). Applicants should submit the following material via the application form:

  • A current CV, including publication list
  • An explanation of interest in the Program (maximum 250 words)
  • A brief description of prior experience in scientific reviewing, if any (maximum 250 words)

Applications are open

April 2024—June 2024

Selection Process

  • The Program encourages a variety of applicants with diverse interests, including early career scientists in academia, pharmaceutical, and non-profit careers. Some successful applicants may have considerable experience in reviewing manuscripts whereas others will not. All participants will have previously published their own research in a peer reviewed journal.
  • Early career scientists from anywhere in the world are encouraged to apply. We particularly welcome applicants who lack opportunities to receive peer review training in their home labs or departments.
  • Selections will be made by a committee composed of journal editors and staff.

Program Timeline

Application open April 2024–June 2024
Applicants notified of decision August 2024
Orientation and training session September 2024
Participants review CEBPmanuscripts October 2024–January 2026




