
ICSTAC|三位学员培训的第一个月 快来看看他们的感受!




Dr.  Michele Cricrì

One month has passed from my arrival here in Hangzhou. Hot sunny days welcome me back in mi-October; but now, cold has come, weather is changing suddenly, and I feel changed too.


Chinese language is no more an impossible barrier, and I am (surprisingly!) enjoying Chinese food as well!


Weekend walks by the West Lake are now part of my routine, and the melancholic atmosphere just makes me feel home, bringing me back to my seaside hometown.


I am really looking forward to visiting Beijing and the Great Wall late November, as well as many other natural beauties of China.


Time has passed very fast, as it happens when you enjoy your work and you deeply dive into it; but the relationships I have built with fantastic people here let me think I know them from a life!


For the next two months, I just want to focus on the hospital life and live this experience as deep as I can, as the knowledge I am getting, the skills I am improving and the people I am meeting will be forever part of my development, as a young surgeon and as a man.



Dr.  Federico Maria Mongardini

One month is passed from my arrived in China, Hangzhou. many things have changed since our arrival, from temperature to meal times, from spaghetti to noodles and rice, from Italian Coffee to Hot Milk, from Fork and knife to Chopsticks, from football to ping pong.


My favorite Chinese food is noodles and fried rice; but I also love dragon fruit, which was the most pleasant discovery. The colleagues are all very nice and collaborative, I'm really learning a lot of things here!

我最喜欢的中国菜是面条和炒饭;但我也喜欢火龙果,这是最愉快和有趣的发现之一。 同事们都非常好,和我们展开密切的合作,我真的在这里学到了很多!

In addition to the important case studies focused on colorectal surgery, I also have the opportunity to admire hepatobiliopancreatic surgery which has always aroused interest in me.


The city is huge and very dispersed, but immersing yourself in the tradition of an ancient people like the Chinese is something sensational. The inhabitants of this city are very welcoming and, even if they don't understand the language, they try in every way to satisfy our needs. Above all, they smile at the only words we are able to pronounce in Chinese.


In addition to the passion for football that led me to also buy the scarf of the local Zhejiang team! One's passions must never be forgotten




My time in Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China,at the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine International Colorectal Surgery Training Academy Of China. (ICSTAC)


In Mexico, there are 5 attached doctors and 10 Colorectal Surgery Residents in my team. When I apply for this program,I feel excited,with expectation and uncertainty for what is about to come…


Everything was completely real when we had the meeting on Zoom.

当我们在 Zoom 上开会时,一切都变得完全真实。

Starting with training.

Warm welcome.



The basis of success is to create work and friendship ties.


I thank the entire Colorectal Surgery Team predicted by Dr. Ding Kefeng, especially my tutor Dr. Sun Lifeng. For the Trust they have given me and the most valuable thing that they have allowed me to be part of their patients' surgeries. Dr. Cao Hongfeng,Dr. Wang Zhanhuai,Dr. Wang Jian,Dr. Liu Yue,Dr. Liao Xiujun, Dr. Tang Yang, Dr.  Xiao Qian,Dr.  Hu Yeting,Dr. Ye Yao, Dr.  He Jinjie.


I have been able to make friends with many people from this hospital,stretcher bearers,nurses and excellent surgeons. I have been able to witness the effort and work day by day in this hospital. This is China. I am nothing but grateful to you and proud of my decision to come to this training. Thank you totally.



海军军医大学第二附属医院 | 肿瘤内科